Saturday, January 5, 2008

Giving An A

Dear Catherine,
I believe I deserve my grade A for many reasons. While in class I paid attention and listened to the teacher. I responded with the homework that the teacher gave to me. In class I loved to share ideas with my classmates and others, because I could see many points of views in the world. Because I am Thai, I come from a different culture which means that I also have a unique point of view and lots of things to contribute. I think the most important thing is that I believed in myself and used all my effort. Speaking English is difficult for me, but I tried very hard to speak up in class and in front of the group. This took courage.
This semester, I put together my ILP proposal, did a power point presentation and presented it to the class. My presentation went well – the power point was well put together and it generated a lot of discussion and questions from my classmates. This was advanced since the last semester when I only had the idea for the proposal and I felt my presentation did not go very well.
In my life, I believe I have made a "Grade A" too. I am a great daughter and love my family. I have traveled far to improve my English and learn about American business. Iwork hard to pay for my college tuition fee to obtain my Master's degree in Cambridge. I have paid for my education through my hard work and never have had to ask my family for money.

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