Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blogging to learn

I often get asked why I blog, and you’ve seen enough of my answers before. And it’s strange, how someone’s eyes glaze over when I come to the bit where I say “and I learn from my blog, from the comments my classmates leave”. I guess it’s hard to explain to people who don’t blog, how one can learn from blogging. It’s not just about shaping and refining ideas, you also learn to find things, to see things you wouldn’t have seen otherwise, even to do things.
Blogs provide a mechanism for me to write about what I am doing and learning , providing sequential posts that others can read and comment on. They are a bottoms-up approach to communication and knowledge management. A blog allows others to "see" what is inside my head. This can be a great tool for transferring knowledge such as lessons learned, new development techniques, or information about the latest news within the world

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